Face Lift
— a surgical method that removes excess facial skin to make the face appear younger. However, the aging face not only loses skin elasticity and develops looser droopy skin, but also loses fat and muscle tone. Additional procedures which may be necessary to achieve the best results include: necklift, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), liposuction, autologous fat injection, removal of buccal (cheek) fat pad, forehead lift, browlift, chemical or laser peel, and malar (cheek), submalar or chin implants.
— A small, smooth area on bone or other hard surface.
Facilitative Lesion
— A twisting or stretching of nerve tissue due to a malfunctioning spine.
Fee for service
— The traditional method of payment for health care services where payment is made by the patient for specific services delivered by a doctor.
— Being held in a fixed position. An area of the spine with restricted movement.
— Soft, limp.
— To bend to the side, forward, or backward.
— A small opening.
— A break in bone or cartilage. Although usually the result of trauma, a fracture can be caused by an acquired disease of bone such as osteoporosis or by abnormal formation of bone in a disease such as osteogenesis imperfecta ("brittle bone disease"). Fractures are classified according to their character and location as, for example, a greenstick fracture of the radius.Frontal
— Pertaining to the forehead.